Daar Ibn Umar is grateful to all those who attended our Annual Fundraiser, and to those who were unable to attend but were with us in spirit and prayers. The lunch started with a beautiful introduction from our M.C, Sheikh Saiful Hassan, and a brief recital and translation of the Holy Qur'an by our students. Followed by a short video presentation of our madrasah Alumni and current students about their journey learning at Daar Ibn Umar. Then, a brief report of past and future projects by the principal of DIU, Moulana Umar Aldred. This was followed by an inspiring lecture from the respected Imam of Mareeba Masjid, Shiekh Ibrahim Abdullah Newman. Then, Moulana Burhaan Mehtar gave a short encouragement, taking pledges from our community to start the fundraising. Special Guest Auctioneer Hussin Goss did a beautiful job conducting the auction for us. Unfortunately, a few items were not sold or did not reach their reserve price. The Golden Embroidered Kiswa from the Kaaba, and the plain black framed Kiswa remain. These blessed items are rare and unique, and the type of things you will leave for your children and grandchildren. These items are still available and have been placed on an online auction. The online auction for the left-over items will conclude at our Community Iftaar on the 10th of April at 5pm AEST. All the money raised will go towards funding the madrasah programs. Time is limited, and in this Mubaarak month of Ramadhan, the rewards for all deeds and charity are multiplied. Even if we can't bid on an item, we can still inform and encourage others to participate. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.” https://www.32auctions.com/Daaribnumar